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Cameron: Let's build a better UK

David Cameron sets out UK-wide changes 'to build better future'

David Cameron has said it is time for the UK "to move forward" after Scotland voted against independence.
The PM said he was "delighted" by the result, which gave the UK a chance to change "for the better".
He said there had to be a "fair and balanced" settlement with English MPs deciding on laws applying to England.
But defeated SNP leader Alex Salmond warned against any delay in shifting powers to Scotland as he announced his decision to step down.
"For me as leader, my time is nearly done," he said. "For Scotland, the campaign continues and the dream shall never die."
Scotland's First Minister explained his decision to quit just hours after Scotland voted decisively to stay in the United Kingdom by 2,001,926 votes to 1,617,989 - about 55% to 45%.
The vote is the culmination of a two-year campaign. Talks will now begin on devolving more powers to Scotland.

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