Question #1: Why don't you tell me abo ut yourself? This is the classic open-ended interview question. You could start telling your life's history in two hours or less, but that is not what the interview wants to hear. Instead, such a question is a test of your ability to select what is important and communicate it clearly and quickly. Obviously, the interviewer expects you to relate your background to the position being considered. There are two basic approaches to answering this question. One is to provide a brief response to the question as it is asked, and the other is to request a clarification of the question before answering it. In both cases, you would answer the question and then quickly turn your response to focus on the skills, experience, and training that prepared you for the sort of job you now want. In other words, you want to relate what you say about yourself to the job at hand. Talk about your experiences as they relate to the position. Sample
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