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British High Commission Visa

As per the British High Commission after the media speculation about the future of the British High Commission visa section and the implications for the Sri Lankan travelling public, A British High Commission Spokesperson said the following on 03/09/2007."There is an ongoing review into British visa services in South Asia. The review is at an early stage and no decisions have been made yet on the position of the visa section at the British High Commission in Colombo. Whatever the outcome Sri Lankan and Maldivian visa applicants will continue to make their applications at the VFS visa application centre in Duplication Road, Colombo 3. If a decision is made which affects visa operations locally we will issue a statement."
Recently UK Visa processunderwnet a big changes like introducing new point system for the skilled worker's and visitor visa visiting period going to be decreased. We are tryimg to give you the maximum possible updates about them.


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