Sri Lanka police have said that the four arrested Jaffna University students, who are at a rehabilitation camp following their arrest, are undergoing rehabilitation on their own free will and they were not forced. Police Media Spokesperson, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Prishantha Jayakody has told Ceylon Today that despite claims made by student unions and human rights movements, the four undergraduates agreed to be rehabilitated willingly, and were not forced by the police. SSP Jayakody has said that the students were placed under arrest as they had been involved in terrorism related activities. The police arrested 11 students of the Jaffna University last month on charges of supporting terrorist activities following the clash between university students and the security forces on November 27th when the students tried to commemorate the dead fighters of the former terrorist organization on its Heroes' Day (Mahaveer Day). Seven out of the 11 students taken i...
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