On Friday, both companies confirmed the move, which they had previously communicated to their distributors . Seagate is reducing warranties to as short as one year, while Western Digital will now guarantee its Caviar Blue, Caviar Green and Scorpio Blue drives for two years, as opposed to three. "Seagate is standardising its warranty terms to be more consistent with those commonly applied throughout the consumer electronics and technology industries," the company said in a statement. "The new warranty periods apply to some of Seagate's internal hard drives designed for laptops, desktops and consumer electronics devices. There is no warranty change to mission-critical enterprise drives or Seagate-branded external solutions," it added. Western Digital is buying Hitachi Global Storage Technologies — one of its main competitors — while Seagate recently acquired Samsung's disk-drive division . With this consolidation, the hard-drive industry is increasingly led b...
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