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Showing posts from January, 2010

How to be Popular at Work...

Power, money and fame are definitely the top three things that can make a person popular at work? If not, read on to find out how to be everyone's favorite buddy at work: Be friendly: Do your colleagues think you're a real snob? Do they have to think twice before talking to you? Do you always get to hear negative comments about you in office? If your answers to all these questions are yes, how can you expect your colleagues to be fond of you? First learn to be friendly with them. Feel free and communicate with your colleagues. Enter office with a smile on your face and make an effort to greet people cheerfully once you reach office. Try and adopt a friendly mindset. The more time you spend with your work mates the better they'll get to know you.   Show empathy: Your empathy reflects your capacity to see things from another person's point of view and to experience his/her feelings. When you connect with someone's feelings, and they believe you...

7 Ways to Make a Good Impressions

7 Ways to Make a Good Impressions     Impressions are important: They leave an initial taste in people's mouths that can remain prevalent for the entire relationship. If you are paranoid about what kind of impression you make, run through these seven list items and see if you are consistent with them; if you are, then you will probably expose the best of yourself. If not, then work to meet these standards. 1. Dress: The absolute first impression you will make on someone will be through your clothing, because that is what is seen from a distance, and cannot change throughout your meeting. Make sure to dress according to the situation-don' t over or under dress-and maintain within the limits of good taste. If you aren't sure if what you're wearing looks good, ask people for an honest opinion. One last thought: always, and I mean always, pull up your pants   2. Hygiene: Take a shower! Shave! Brush your teeth! You must be fully bathed and groomed before you ...