Some General Job Interview Tips Do not smoke, chew gum, or eat garlic beforehand. Wear suitable interview clothes. Take copies of your CV with you. Arrive on time for your job interview. Any applications handed before the interview begins, are to be filled in as accurately as possible, make sure they match the information in your Cv and Cover Letter. Always greet the interviewer by his/her last name and try to pronounce it correctly. Have a good firm handshake. Look alert and interested. Scan the room once and then keep your eyes on the interviewer. Wait until you are offered a chair before you sit down. Stress your achievements. Always conduct yourself professionally and if something beyond your control occurs, show a sense of humor. Be enthusiastic and show it in your replies and body language. Answer the interview question by more than a simple yes or no but try not to go over the 60 second limit. Avoid at all cost complaining about your current or former employ...
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